Nice that you are interested in a guest article. I always look forward to new topics, ideas and fresh wind because there are a variety of topics that I cannot cover all of them.
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For companies and agencies in english and german
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
A guest article is a good way to promote the company or to upgrade your own domain with a backlink (do-follow). I have over 25,000 readers per month and the chance that you will win new customers through the guest article is very high. The Language is German and English.
You can find examples of guest articles here!
I ask companies / freelancers for a fee for the guest article. Upon request, you will receive an individual offer, which depends on the item topic. There are no requirements for the guest article. You determine the length and wording. I’ll give you helpful content tips and format the article for my blog for you.
Write an email to
Your advantages
- Author’s box with a picture and a person / company description (maximum 500 characters, including spaces) – but also without, e.g. Marketing agencies on behalf of customers Perfect for winning new customers or getting a backlink (do-follow)
- Good Prices
- High distribution of your specialist articles through our good ranking in the search engines
- New articles appear automatically on the homepage and in the category pages
- Your texts will be tweeted and distributed on Facebook many interested and nice readers, who also contact you
- Professional graphic processing and internal linking will be done for you
Guestarticle Conditions
You can find the Guestarticle conditions here. You will accept them when you order the guestarticle.
Information about the guest article
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
1. Are there any examples?
Naturally. You can find them here.
2. Is the article marked as an advertisement?
I dont do this with normal article. But if the article includes advertisment I need to clarify them as commerical with a small box because of the german law. If this is a problem for you just write me and we find a solution.
3. Is the link Dofollow or Nofollow?
4. How long does the article stay online (guaranteed term)?
As long as my blog exists at least 3 years.
5. Is the article creation included or should we deliver the article (both possible)?
I can write the article for an additional charge of 50 euros (400 words)
6. If we deliver the text, do you have any special requirements for the creation of the text (e.g. length of text in words, language style, address)?
No. I am completely uncomplicated and flexible!
7. How long is the processing time approximately (in working days)?
It takes a maximum of 48h
8. Must an author be specified?
It can go online anonymously or by specifying an author. You can not add links to the autorbox only to the text!
9. Where can I insert links?
No links can be inserted in the author box. You can insert links at any point in the article text.
10. Do I have to provide an author text?
No. You can also send the text to me without specifying the author.
11. How can I pay?
I only accept IBAN and Paypal (no fee). Other services are excluded or must be discussed with me beforehand. There is always a bill.
12. Is the article visible on the home page?
I decide this on a case-by-case basis. As a rule, it will not be visible on the home page.
13. will the article be in the Google index in any case?
I cannot guarantee this. I also take out articles if they are not indexed by Google.
14. what else do I need to know?
You can find the terms and conditions for the guest article here. You accept them with your order. However, I will explicitly point this out to you in an email.

The Importance of Guest Posts for Blogs: A Comprehensive Analysis
In today’s digital era, blogs have become an integral part of online marketing. They serve not only to share content but also as a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences. One of the most effective strategies to increase a blog’s reach and authority is through the publication of guest posts. This article will shed light on the crucial significance of guest contributions to blogs in five key aspects.
1. Expanding the Audience: More Readers, More Influence
Guest posts open up the opportunity for blogs to reach a broader audience. By collaborating with other authors or experts, various target demographics can be addressed that may not have been aware of the blog previously. This allows the blog to expand its reach and gain long-term readers.
2. Building Credibility and Authority: External Validation
When reputable guest authors contribute high-quality content, the credibility and authority of the blog are strengthened. Guest posts serve as external validation and signal to readers that the blog is recognized as a trustworthy source of information. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that new visitors will trust the blog and engage as long-term readers.
3. Diversity and Expertise: Enriching Content Offerings
Guest posts bring a fresh perspective and expertise to the blog. They broaden the range of topics covered and provide the audience with a more diverse selection of content. This can help strengthen reader engagement and ensure that the blog remains relevant and interesting.
4. Enhancing SEO Rankings: Backlinks and Visibility
Another significant advantage of guest posts lies in the opportunity to acquire high-quality backlinks. These backlinks are crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) and contribute to improving the blog’s visibility in search results. By linking with reputable websites and authors, the blog can solidify its position in search results.
5. Building Relationships: Networking and Collaboration
Collaborating with guest authors allows for the establishment of valuable relationships in the blogosphere. These relationships can lead to further collaborations, joint projects, or even long-term partnerships. A well-maintained network of authors and experts can enhance both the quality and reach of content on the blog over the long term.
Conclusion: The Strategic Importance of Guest Posts
Overall, it is undeniable that guest posts make a significant contribution to the successful development of a blog. Through audience expansion, credibility building, content enrichment, SEO ranking improvement, and relationship building, guest posts create a solid foundation for a thriving blog. Blog operators should actively seek opportunities to integrate high-quality guest contributions to maximize the long-term impact and success of their blog.
Mastering the Art of Blog Writing: Essential Tips for Success
In the realm of digital content, a well-crafted blog article can be a powerful tool for conveying information, engaging readers, and establishing authority. However, achieving this requires a combination of skill, strategy, and creativity. Below are some indispensable tips to help you write a blog article that resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impression.
1. Know Your Audience: Tailor Your Content
Understanding your target audience is paramount. Consider their interests, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge will guide you in selecting topics that are relevant and engaging for them. Tailoring your content ensures that it addresses their needs and provides value.
2. Start with a Compelling Title: Grab Attention
The title is the first thing your readers see, and it plays a pivotal role in capturing their interest. Craft a title that is clear, intriguing, and relevant to the content of the article. It should promise value or offer a solution to a problem the reader might have.
3. Structure Matters: Organize Your Thoughts
A well-structured blog article is easier for readers to navigate and comprehend. Begin with a concise introduction that sets the stage for what’s to come. Divide the main body into clear sections, each addressing a specific aspect or point. Use subheadings to guide readers through the content. Conclude with a succinct summary or call-to-action.
4. Engage with a Compelling Opening
The opening paragraph should immediately draw the reader in. It could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a relevant anecdote, or a compelling statement. This initial engagement is crucial in persuading the reader to continue.
5. Craft Clear and Concise Content: Quality Over Quantity
While it’s important to provide valuable information, avoid unnecessary verbosity. Be clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid jargon or technical language that might alienate some readers. Focus on delivering the message effectively.
6. Incorporate Visual Elements: Enhance Readability
Images, infographics, and videos can enhance the visual appeal of your blog article and provide additional context or explanation. They break up the text, making it more digestible for readers. Ensure that visuals are relevant and of high quality.
7. Provide Credible Sources: Back Your Claims
If you’re making factual claims or citing statistics, it’s crucial to provide credible sources. This not only adds credibility to your article but also allows readers to further explore the topic.
8. Encourage Interaction: End with a Call-to-Action
Engage with your readers by concluding the article with a call-to-action. This could be a question that prompts them to leave a comment, a suggestion to share the article on social media, or a link to related content for further reading.
9. Proofread and Edit: Polish Your Writing
Before hitting the publish button, meticulously proofread and edit your article. Check for spelling and grammar errors, ensure coherence and consistency, and refine your writing style. A well-edited article demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail.
Conclusion: Crafting Compelling Blog Articles
Writing a captivating blog article is a blend of creativity, knowledge, and attention to detail. By understanding your audience, structuring your content effectively, and incorporating engaging elements, you can create content that not only informs but also leaves a lasting impression on your readers. Keep refining your skills and experimenting with different approaches to continuously improve your blog writing. Remember, practice makes perfect!